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Cast Your Worries

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and HeungSoon. Sometimes we get caught not listening because our minds are stuck on mounting tasks and worries. Or we let anxiety build to the point that it cripples us. I’ve been there and done that. But there is a better way to approach each day.

I have come to understand that one of life’s guarantees is that we will experience difficulty. Life is tough, but we choose how to respond to life’s problems. Scripture tells us the right path forward will require effort and hard work. But it also says we will need great faith—faith that our Father will guide us through.

God doesn’t equip us to do this all on our own. He wants us to move forward while depending on and trusting Him with tomorrow. We work so hard to manipulate those details that we forget He is at work behind the scenes. We forget that the mounting stress will only multiply unless we turn to Him. It’s hard to feel joy when we let stress lead. We find true freedom only through Christ.

God instructs us to cast our worries and anxieties on Him. Don’t be fooled by the Devil. It’s not a game of boomerang. Scripture says to cast—to throw with force out of our hands and into His. God can handle the weight and volume of whatever we throw at Him. We trust Him with it by refusing to give it a second thought. All we can do is the best we can and then let God fill in all our gaps by covering the rest.

The only way to better enjoy the journey is to return the plan to God. He is the CEO of our lives. We must stay at work and trust Him with the outcome. Life is hard, but it sure feels lighter once we give the heavy lifting to Him.

Cast your worries and those overrated anxieties on Christ. They aren’t your burden to carry. Keep your focus on Scripture and God’s abilities instead of obsessing over the details. Your Father will work them out in the end. 

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Diane Ohlson

Diane Ohlson was born and raised in the Midwest and has claimed Kansas City as home for the past thirteen years where she lives with her husband and three children. She graduated from University of Northern Iowa with a BA in Social Work and a minor in psychology. Her passion for helping people has allowed her to serve in the healthcare industry for the past twenty-two years. She believes God is calling her to open up and share her faith through writing to encourage others along on their journey with Jesus.