Each fall, ladybugs inundate us, with thousands showing up and doing their best to get into our house to survive the winter. I spray the outside of the house with a special product I bought online. It does a great job but leaves the windows with a transparent stain that’s difficult to remove, especially from the second story. I can spray the windows with an outdoor cleaner, but I can’t reach them to squeegee the cleaner off. Hence, we have spotty or streaky windows on the second floor. I must respray the windows with the cleaner. Although annoying, my wife says closing the drapes isn’t an option.
I often fail at something because I’m in a hurry and really don’t want to read directions or think things through—like putting the kids’ Christmas gifts together when they were young or fixing something motorized or mechanical. Even when I write these devotions, I must read them a few times to ensure I don’t say anything lame.
God reminded Job of people’s frailties and limitations and that God does all things without any limitations. Job responded as we all should. And God’s perfect purpose for us is that we are redeemed.
That’s the difference between us and our Lord. He does everything perfectly the first time, every time. During creation, He created something new every day and said it was good. He put everything into motion so that the world and its creatures could maintain and sustain in the circle of life. Such as the rotation of the earth, the revolution of the earth around the sun, the perfect amount of elements in our atmosphere, the complexity of our bodies, and how every organ interacts perfectly for us to live. It’s all good.
Determine to live like a redeemed child of God. After all, God bought you with the price of His perfect Son.
Carl Schleede is a writer.