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The Noisy Stall

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.  Luke 2:12 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and boervina. The older I get, the more allergic I grow to noise. I recall a year when my boys were small, and my sister-in-law gave them little metal ray guns. You pulled the trigger, and a little fan inside went whirr, whirr, whirr. They were playing with their guns outside, and the rays were flying while my sister-in-law was raking leaves next door.

After a bit, I saw her lay her rake down, walk across the street to my boys, and rip the ray guns out of their hands. It was driving her insane. It served as great fodder for years to come about how payback can be painful. She gave them the noise that I had to endure, but the payback came when the sound got on her last nerve.

That's me these days. Noise allergy. A few nights ago, my husband turned off the TV and said, "I'm going to bed. You coming?"  

"Maybe in a bit. I just want to sit and look at the Christmas tree." 

He headed upstairs and flipped off the lights, leaving me in the dark to stare at the flickering Christmas tree lights. Our tree is on a rotator, so I get to see the lights change colors and the tree slowly turn. It's the most peaceful thing. 

I watched as a tiny baby Jesus slowly turned past, and I thought there probably wasn't any peace and quiet for Mary and Joseph or Baby Jesus. I mean, a manger full of farm animals not only has its own aroma, it's never quiet and peaceful. Yet for these new parents, I'm sure they tuned out the noise to simply gaze at the true miracle that lay in front of them. Emmanuel. Prince of Peace. As Jesus grew, the noise that followed Him only grew in intensity.

We know little of Jesus' childhood, but we do know about His last three years, and they were anything but peaceful or quiet. Still, Jesus remained "at peace." Even knowing what was to come, He wasn't thrilled with what the future held, but He was "at peace."

This Christmas, sit back, take a deep breath, and find peace. This is the perfect time of year to seek that little gift. And by the way, it is a gift. Sit alone and watch your Christmas lights, and think about our Baby Jesus ... sleeping in heavenly peace. 

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Cindy Sproles

Cindy K. Sproles is a best-selling, award-winning author. She is a speaker and a conference teacher who teaches nationwide. Cindy is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries, www.christiandevotions.us, and www.inspireafire.com. She serves as a writing mentor with WRAMS (Writing Write Author Mentoring Service) and is the director of the Asheville Christian Writers Conference. Visit Cindy at www.cindysproles.com.