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Green Pastures

He makes me lie down in green pastures.  Psalm 23:2 NIV

Each morning when my hubby heads toward the pasture, our cattle get excited—really excited. These massive beasts know the human in the brown coat has something good in store for them. They start bellowing and bawling, executing their best version of running … boxy, awkward, bovine running. It’s a sight. Some mornings I giggle as I watch their giddy anticipation from the window. (Picture small children on Christmas morning in one-thousand-pound bodies.)

One morning—just any old morning—the truck door opened, Farmer Doug stepped out, and the race was on to see what delight was heading their way. But sometimes, it is not a treat-bucket day. The plan de jour was pasture rotation. The weather had turned chilly, and good grass was becoming scarce. But we still had one area left with abundant juicy, green goodness. And that was precisely where the cattle were headed. They just didn’t know it yet.

My husband opened the gate and walked in the direction he wanted them to follow. The older beasts quickly realized they had been led into the Promised Land and started feasting. But one young heifer was confused. She followed my hubby for quite some time, fixated on his empty bucket, obviously disturbed that nothing yummy was coming out of it. He talked to her as he walked along, wondering when she would realize the treasure was not in the bucket but under her feet. She stood right in the middle of it. My husband had led her into green pastures.

I can be like that dear heifer. I know the Lord is my provider, and I remember how He has led me into green pastures. But when my treat bucket is empty, sometimes I fret.  Aren’t You going to provide for me THIS time? If so, why isn’t it working out like LAST time?

All the while, God patiently waits for me to notice today’s provision—usually something right under my nose (or hooves). Again and again, the Lord has to re-direct my gaze. I am certainly still providing for you, dear one. Look around. 

Next time your needs are unmet and anxiety is rising, try standing still and looking around. Sometimes, when yesterday’s bucket is empty, today’s field is fresh and full. Take time to enjoy your green pastures. 

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Sarah Cutright

Sarah Cutright is a nurse turned therapeutic mom, turned writer. Beyond that, she is a passionate over-thinker, a dreamer, and a total nerd. She is also a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and child of God.