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Reading Between the Lines

A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.  John 10:10 The Message

Photo courtesy of microsoft office.I wept as I read the words on the closed Facebook page. I felt like they were so searing hot that if they were etched on paper it would be scorched. The mom wrote about soul torture, family chaos, and hopelessness over the way her children have turned out. The thief of addiction had ripped another family to shreds, and I could relate. I had walked in her shoes for way too many years. To say our children had gone astray was an understatement.

Moms who read this, I write to you. I write to the storm-tossed one who cannot sleep because of worry about the son or daughter on the streets. I know tears soak your pillow. You’re devastated by the abuse your child has done to themselves through addiction. You want to die.

I write to you as you pray they will call, yet at the same time you dread the next phone call. One mother cries, “Oh no, he’s in jail.” Another says, “I wish my child were in jail. At least I’d know where he was.” Stories are similar with one common thread—the mother’s love. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy, and it hurts to be in the midst of his attacks.

Mom, I write to you so you will know you’re not alone in your pain and sorrow. Although the thief of addiction has killed your hopes, stolen your child, and destroyed your dreams, hang on to the last part of this verse: I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. 

Lord, I ask that You help us read between the lines of the words from hurting mothers and reach out to them in a comforting way. My child’s life changed just when I was about to give up.

Hold on to the hope that can be yours through Christ.

(Photo courtesy of microsoft office.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Donna Tinsley

Donna Collins Tinsley is a sister among you who wants to bring a word of comfort and hope to your day. She gives praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for His healing power and for breaking the chains that once held her. She is a sometimes hormonally challenged wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in Port Orange, Florida, and has been included in several magazines and many book compilations. She has also been featured on CBN.com on the “Overcoming Addictions” page and as a devotion contributor to Christian Devotions Ministries and some blurbs for Thriving Family. She is a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ. Find her on Facebook where she facilitates the Somebody’s Mother Online Prayer Support Group or at http://thornrose7.blogspot.com.


  1. Beautiful

  2. What a beautiful post, and such a great reminder that God is not only the Word and IN the Word, He surrounds the Word as well. Blessings to you and your family, Donna. Thank you for sharing.