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Tuna-Fish Talent

"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish..." Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.  John 6:9a,11 NIV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and sideshowmom.)I sat in my cubicle, wrestling with a design for my client's poster. In the next cubicle, a designer whipped out another brochure. Two more colleagues juggled projects in their offices. I was the department's new kid, and my job was an answered prayer. This opportunity with a Christian resource center even trained me with new graphic design tools. So why'd I feel so inadequate?

I'd once taught middle-school art and survived those young teens. I could handle this. Yet I'd shelved my art experience when we started a family. Now I was rusty. That's when my morning's Bible verses promptly humbled me. A boy naively offered his modest lunch, since the 5,000-plus crowd was hungry. Jesus gladly accepted the child's offer, asked his father's blessing on it, and passed the food out. And passed it, and passed it, until everyone had eaten their fill.

That story's application clicked to me. If I'd been a youngster with a tuna-fish sandwich, I'd never have offered it to Jesus. No, it would have to be grilled yellowfin tuna on fancy bread or nothing. Only the best was worthy of the King.

I think I heard a heavenly chuckle and laughed at my own absurd pride. Jesus could feed a crowd with nobody's help. I thought about that anonymous boy who'd shared his lunch that day. He'd not only been fed, but Jesus let him take part in a miracle.

So, did the One through whom all was created need my creativity today? He'd manage quite well without me. Instead, Jesus offered me, as he did that boy, a part in his work. Like a child, I only needed to offer what I had—my ordinary tuna-fish talent. Whether your gifts are ordinary or extraordinary, He delights to use them. More than that, He's inviting you to be part of a miracle. Don’t wait. Offer Him your gifts.

(Photo coutesy of morguefile and sideshowmom.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.) 

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Jetta Allen

Jetta Allen is a former graphic designer and sometimes illustrator who enjoys writing. She's active in her on-line critique group of writing friends from all over the map. She and her husband, Jim, live in North Carolina. 


  1. I really enjoyed. It was good to know that the poor writing talent I have could still be beneficial in God's eyes.

  2. I loved the idea that the quality of our gifts matters so much less the Quality of the One we give them to.

  3. Loved this devotion. Cut through every excuse we could possibly use to not give God the opportunity to use our little for His greatness. Beautifully written with not a word wasted.

  4. I enjoyed reading about Tuna-Fish talent this morning. A great reminder that our Heavenly Father is in control of all things and He does not need our help. I pray that I'll remember this when He prompts me to do something for someone.