When my children were small, I enjoyed writing little love notes to them. I missed them so much while they were at school and wanted them to know I was thinking of them. I packed the notes in their lunch boxes or backpacks. They would find the special pieces of paper at school and enjoyed the encouragement they brought.
My notes weren’t extravagant. They were usually just a couple of words saying “I love you” or “You’re the best.” More than once I penned notes saying, “Good luck on your test today.”
Soon, my daughter followed in my footsteps. I started finding little notes all around the house. These papers would be addressed to me in the sweetest handwriting. Each note contained a special message that melted my heart. She wrote sayings like “I love you” and “You’re the best mom in the world.” I found treasures on my bedroom nightstand, kitchen counter, and pocketbook. I never knew where the next love note would pop up. My heart smiled as she knew exactly what I needed to hear.
It is amazing to think how encouraging her simple words were. I am reminded God sends His children little love notes from heaven to let us know He cares. My daughter’s notes prompted me to pay closer attention to God’s work and words in my life. Every time I see a majestic butterfly, I know that’s one of God’s love notes saying, “I love you and sent this beautiful creature your way. Enjoy.” Or when I hear my son’s voice saying, “I love you, Mom.” That’s another love note from heaven telling me I’m treasured. Sometimes when a door closes on an opportunity, God’s love note may be a special song encouraging me not to give up and to keep going.
Perhaps the most important love note God gives us is His Word. The Scriptures tell us, Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. God gave us the Bible to help us along the path of life so we will be led to Jesus. Be inspired to dig deeper into God’s Word to know Him better. Make an effort to be more mindful of small love notes He sends daily in the form of encouragement from a friend or a beautiful sunset. God is speaking to you all the time … just listen.
(Photo coutesy of morguefile and hotblack.)
(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)
That's the secret to true encouragement- the ""notes"" from Him,especially His word.