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Slip 'n Slides

None of his steps shall slide.  Psalm 37: 31b KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Slip ‘n slides provided swift and energetic water rides for me and my sister during childhood.

Mom sprinkled dish soap onto our favorite toy, hooked up the hose, and watched us slide. Dad swooped us up on the other side, and we’d run towards Mom, ready for another go-round. Soon, neighborhood kids joined in, moving along with us down the slippery slope.

Sliding downhill on a slip ‘n slide is easy, but trying to reverse course is difficult—and next to impossible after reaching the mid-point because momentum kicks in.

My struggle to reverse course in the spiritual realm is similar. Unlike my childhood slip ‘n slide, I can reverse course from my many mistakes by asking God daily to guide my steps.

But what if I’m past the mid-point, traveling at breakneck speed? God helps me off of the slip ‘n slide even then by holding me in His hands. Just as my dad scooped participants from the slide, positioning himself as the catcher, my heavenly Daddy rescues me at any point. No matter where I am on the slip ‘n slide of life, I can reach out to God and experience His help.

Even when I fall, my heavenly Father helps me rise. As I read my Bible, His gentle instruction becomes my refuge, and I rise again.

Whether we’re a new believer or have journeyed with God for a long time—and whether we’re on the slippery slope or have fallen—God extends forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ.

When you find yourself on the slip ‘n slide of life, turn to God whose love is constant.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Diane Virginia

Diane Virginia is the author of The Kiss of Peace: An Intimate Exploration into Song of Solomon (awaiting publication). She is a regular contributor for Christian Broadcasting Network and has written for Christian Devotions Ministries, Faith Beyond Fear, Pentecostal Publishing House, The Secret Place, and other ministries. She can be contacted at www.vinewords.net.


  1. Love this. So thankful my Father is there to catch me.

  2. Loved this