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Jeweled Chicken Sandals

But ye are a … holy nation.  1 Peter 2:9b KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“Mom, I fed the chickens. Here’s your sandals back,” my daughter said.

“Back?” I tried to hide my dismay. “Did you wear the jeweled ones?” The odor rising from the pleather revealed the answer.

“I just borrowed them real quick.”

I glanced at my sandals. As pretty as they were, they now had a designated purpose. I’d use them to fetch eggs or care for my hens. My jeweled sandals were now the purtiest chicken sandals I’d ever owned. They stank. Bad. I dropped the sandals outside and blew my nose.

As unusual as it may seem, I knew my daughter’s quick grab happened for a purpose. It reminded me I am called to holiness. Peter wrote, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

This verse reminds me that in the spiritual realm I am called to keep out of the chicken coop. But there’s more. When I see someone trapped in the coop—regardless of their spiritual condition—I need to extend God’s love. When I think of how often I’ve gotten trapped inside the coop—and proceeded to walk wherever I willed until someone extended a hand of mercy to me—I find it easier to extend a helping hand.

The Bible is infallible. Every answer is in the Book, but I am called to have more than head-knowledge. As I cultivate a relationship with Jesus, I become like Him, and He tucks the gift of love inside me. I’ll never arrive this side of heaven, but I know every moment I spend with my Jesus is cleansing.

Every time I wear my jeweled chicken sandals, I am reminded to stay out of the coop, rescue friends in the coop, and stay in love with Jesus.

Ask God to help you live a life that is holy in His sight.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Diane Virginia

Diane Virginia is the author of The Kiss of Peace: An Intimate Exploration into Song of Solomon (awaiting publication). She is a regular contributor for Christian Broadcasting Network and has written for Christian Devotions Ministries, Faith Beyond Fear, Pentecostal Publishing House, The Secret Place, and other ministries. She can be contacted at www.vinewords.net.


  1. Wow! This goes right along with my devotional from this morning. I was encouraged and reminded that I not only need to watch my walk but to reach out and help others who may need a hand. Thanks.