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God, the Ultimate Satisfaction

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.  Luke 19:10 NIV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and DMedina. Zacchaeus desired fulfillment. He had tried and acquired all any man could desire: power, wealth, and position. Yet his soul was still pained. He was in desperate search for satisfaction.

When he heard about Jesus, he thought perhaps his desperate need for inner joy and love might come to an end. The moment Jesus saw Zacchaeus in a sycamore tree, He called him by name. At that instant—even before speaking—Zaccchaeus felt inner joy never experienced before. Immediately he knew his search for love and satisfaction was over.

When it’s your time for God's visitation, no one can stop it. It doesn't matter whether you’ve been the most hated individual or the reject of all rejects. God came to seek and to save that which was lost. Zacchaeus was not an exception; neither are you. You can still experience genuine love and joy the moment you look up to Him. Without speaking, He will fill your longing before you know it.

People tend to see you from your past, but when God appears and changes you, your personal lifestyle and character will speak for themselves. No amount of money, position, or power could have bought the joy Zacchaeus experienced. It was paid up at Calvary so that anyone who believes might not perish but have eternal life.

Find your true joy and satisfaction by responding to the call. God is stretching out His hands and calling us by name. We can come to Him as we are. Despised or not, His love knows no bounds. He will come and dine with us and bring the deliverance we so desire.

Jesus stands at the door knocking. Whoever hears His voice and opens the door, He invites to come and fellowship. Embrace Him today. Like Zacchaeus, God will bless your inner longing and desires by His will.

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and DMedina.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Philip Aiyabei

Philip Aiyabei holds a bachelors degree in finance and banking from Moi University and is a CPA graduate. He is a member of Christian Youth in Action and  a youth leader. He has worked with Dominion Vegfruits Ltd. as an account’s assistant and recently with Techno Brain Ltd. as a business process executive dealing with data research, analysis, and interpretation. Philip has also developed a great desire to write encouraging articles that seek to motivate Christians to keep keeping on, even when situations may look hopeless. Philip manages “Living Hope” at www.facebook/opealive.com.


  1. What a wonderful retelling of a well-loved account of the power of Jesus to change life!
