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Going Through a Transition

For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.  Malachi 3:6 ESV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and 46birds. “The only thing that is constant is change.” ~ Heraclitus

I have a big change looming ahead. In two short months, I will retire from my position as an elementary principal. My resignation letter mentioned the overused term “bittersweet.”

I taught before moving into the administrative side fifteen years ago. You do not have to be a teacher to envision the environment – spatially populated, colossal energy, unending dialogue. Schools are busy, noisy, and active places.

As a principal, I love to interact with the students. I frequent the lunchroom and the classrooms. I greet arrivals and dismissals. My “lunch bunch” program ensures I have lunch with every student throughout the school year.

I am on my final day of spring break. We didn’t travel, so it has been a quiet week. I keep thinking, “This is my life in two months,” and that frightens me. Yet with every transition in life, something is lost and something is gained. I know what I am losing. I wish I had more insight to gain.

The Bible is ripe with examples of significant transitions. Abram was called to leave Ur. Joseph was sold into slavery. Paul was struck down and redeemed.

Some transitions are by choice while others are unwelcomed. Some are significant while others are routine. Mine is retirement. What is your transition? Marriage? New job? Baby? Geographic move? Empty nest? Cancer?

When I look backward on my life, I can see God so clearly. He has been present through every passage of time. My challenge is to turn that knowledge to faith as I look ahead. Whether big or small, chosen, or intrusive, God is on both sides of the transition. He will walk through the journey with us and will be present at the other end. I can look forward to the next chapter in my life story because God has a plan and it is good.

One thing that is certain never to change – God.  

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and 46birds.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Kathleen Neely

Kathleen Neely is the author of  three novels schedule for release in 2019. The Street Singer, Beauty for Ashes, and The Least of These. She won first place in the fiction category for new authors in the Fresh Voices contest through www.AlmostAnAuthor.com. Kathleen is a retired elementary principal and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her grandsons.