My mornings are often synonymous with exaggerated emotions.
Sometimes when I wake up, I am hit with thoughts full of worry, fear, anger, and negativity. One morning, I woke up with exaggerated feelings of hopelessness. Disappointment. Feeling as if I'd let down God Himself.
I responded by speaking aloud the truth of who God is. “You are my Redeemer. You are the lover of my soul. You are my healer. You are my peace.”
The women who visited Jesus’ tomb on the first day of the week also felt hopeless. Several days before, they had watched their Lord brutally crucified. But then an angel told them Jesus had risen. Immediately, they remembered Jesus’ words—just as I did on the morning when I felt hopeless.
Why don’t I run into Jesus’ arms more often? Why do I often choose to deaden my pain by running to the fleeting comfort of this world rather than to God’s eternal Word?
We all have a part of us that wars with God and is drawn toward whatever our emotions crave: comfort food, entertainment, the twenty-four-hour news cycle.
But when we choose to remember God’s Word … when we run to Him rather than to whatever our flesh desires … we find what our soul craves. Our thoughts line up with eternal reality, and we can douse the fire that rages within us. We can rest in the comfort of God’s presence.
Remember God’s words when your emotions rage, and watch them fall back in line and in love with Him.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
HI Gary, I don't know if you remember me, but I remember you from the Messianic congregation in Nashville back in the 1990s. I think you visited there a few times. So glad to see how the Lord is using your life for His glory! Blessings to you, Beth