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Seeds of Faith

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I kept silent. Again.

I arrived at the office at 6:30 a.m. and scooted over to the breakroom for coffee to jump-start my day. As I dumped creamer into my coffee, I overheard two colleagues discussing their daughter’s clothing choices. “My parents would have never allowed me to dress the way they do these days,” said one of them. “It’s too showy for my taste.” But they did not think it caused any real harm.

Even though I believe it is important to teach young people about modesty, I did not say a word. Instead, I elected to show tolerance toward my co-worker’s dress code views.

As I returned to my desk, I realized I had silenced my Christian beliefs for the sake of tolerance. I remained quiet about something I could have spoken up about. In truth, it was not in favor of tolerance that I remained silent—but fear. Fear of offending others and of being labeled around the office as another narrow-minded Christian.

Jesus often told His disciples not to be afraid and to remain steadfast in fulfilling their mission. His words to them are also words for us. Jesus did not command us to tolerate all views. He wants us to go and make disciples of all nations—even if it means ruffling feathers along the way.

God wants us to remain faithful to His teachings and allow our true Christian light to shine forth for others to see. We are called to be His messengers. And this supposes telling others about Jesus Christ and His life changing message—a message many of our colleagues may label as offensive.

But the risk is worthwhile, knowing it allows others to see Christ in us. And when we boldly share the Christian message, seeds of faith are planted, and God brings a harvest.

Become a mirror of Christ. Be a courageous seeder of your faith.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Doug Lim

Doug Lim and his wife, Cindy, make their home in Los Angeles, CA. He is in the empty-nester chapter of his life and considers his faith and family to be most important to him. Doug is a family-oriented Christian author and freelance writer. He teaches religious education, volunteers as a chaplain, and serves in various ministries.


  1. Loved your devo. Yes, the harvest is all around us! So many walking dead people and they think they are alive. :( Thank you for your reminder to us who walk with the Harvest Man; the Redeemer of our souls!!!! Thank you Jesus ...