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Jesus Is What Christmas Is All About

You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.  Luke 2:12 NIV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and ACPM1983.I had carefully laid the Christmas pageant costumes and props around the room. The popular three kings costumes with jeweled crowns lay next to the shepherds robes and crooks. Shiny halos lay atop the angel gowns and gossamer wings. Against the walls stood the cardboard camel cutouts and the star of Bethlehem. One by one, the children came to my desk to tell me the part they wished to play ... all of the children, that is, except Tommy.  He stood with his eyes frozen on the manger. I walked over to Tommy and put my hands on his shoulders.        

“What part would you like, Tommy?” I asked.

“Mrs. Parker, I want to be baby Jesus in the manger,” he said. In all of my years of directing the Christmas pageant, no child had ever asked for that part. I asked Tommy why he wanted to be baby Jesus and he said, “’Cause Jesus is what Christmas is all about.”

Luke tells us Mary wrapped the baby and laid Him in a manger. In that manger, lay the hope of all nations. And with that hope comes the salvation of all souls who will accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Despite the distractions of presents and treats, Tommy had gotten the truth of the Christmas story: Jesus was what it was all about.

Join me and stop amid the cooking, shopping, and wrapping of gifts to remember that Jesus truly is what Christmas is all about.

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and ACPM1983.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Dee Dee Parker

Dee Dee Parker draws on her uniquely Southern experience as a minister’s wife in her career as an author and speaker. She is the author of Josie Jo’s Got to Know, a children’s book written to raise awareness of breast cancer in younger women. Dee Dee enjoys writing devotions and is featured on christiandevotions.us. She is a contributing author for their book Faith and Family: A Devotion Pathway for Families. She has contributed to numerous anthologies, and her work has appeared in Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse Jr. magazine. Dee Dee has a heart for women and enjoys sharing her perspective through her speaking ministry. Married to Jim, a minister of music, for over forty years, they have a son, Brad, and the cherished memories of their daughter, Brooke.


  1. How Beautiful! May we all be like Little Tommy.
