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Marching for the King

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  Galatians 5:25 NIV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and Jusben.For an army to be effective, each soldier must be disciplined. Each must follow the orders of their commander, and collectively they can march on to victory over the enemy. Strong soldiers and armies are to be loyal to the one in command over them; they are to conduct themselves in an orderly manner.

The Scriptures reveal that living for Christ on this earth is similar to being in a war. God wants us to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit's control, and He desires that we resist the enemy. In Galatians 5:25, it says we are to keep in step with the Spirit. The words “keep in step” have an interesting meaning in the Greek. According to the Strong's Concordance, the phrase literally means to march in military rank and to conform to virtue and piety. If we live by the Spirit or have a relationship with the Lord, we must march in military rank with our fellow believers. We must learn to obey the Scriptures and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Then we will experience the victory.

Of course, we serve a merciful God. At times we may fall, but when we do we can always rise again. Jesus the Victor will forgive us and place us back in the ranks with our fellow soldiers. Let's ask God the Father to enable us to conform to the word of God and to embrace the battle. Good news has been given to us. According to the Book of Revelation, we have already won the war.

Take time to thank God for fighting our battles in advance, and then trust He will always lead the way.

Please pray this prayer with me:

Dear Mighty King of Kings,

I submit to your Lordship afresh and anew. Help me follow Your word. Help me to resist my spiritual enemy the Devil.  Speak to my heart and let me know my part in the battle. I choose to follow You and march with other believers to see Your kingdom come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and Jusben.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Tom Toya

Tom Toya is a graduate of Jerry Jenkin’s Christian Writers Guild and has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Benedictine University. He lives with his beautiful wife and his handsome Maltese in the Chicagoland area. He has had articles published by Christian Devotions, Inspire a Fire, Alive Magazine, The Upper Room, CBN, Live Magazine, God’s Word for Today, Gospel Today Magazine, and the Morris Daily Herald. He is a marketing director for a caregiving agency and loves to play the guitar and sing. You can read more of his writing by visiting his blog at sendme-tomandlou.blogspot.com.