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Follow-Me Marks

Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.  1 Peter 5:8 HCSB

Photo courtesy of morguefile and Stencilphotos.“I am the one…your mother!  Follow me!”

The frantic herd was scattering wildly in every direction. Hoof beats pounded in the young gazelle’s ears. And the unmistakable roar of a ravenous lion pierced straight through his heart. There was no time to think. Instinctively, he knew there was only one thing to do—follow his mother. But where was she? Suddenly he spotted them—those unique markings he’d known from birth. That combination of lines and curves belonged to one and only one—his mother. Any other gazelle might, in a moment of panic, leave him to the enemy. But not his mother. He knew if he could keep his eyes fixed on her familiar marks, and if his shaking legs would carry him, he could trust her to lead him to safety. But he must, especially in the chaos, remain focused solely on those marks—her follow-me marks...the ones he’d learned to trust.

We, too, have a very real enemy who is described as a roaring lion. He is prowling through our nation, towns, churches, and homes looking for anyone he might deceive, discourage, or destroy. Sometimes he creates such chaos in our lives that we don’t even have time to think. And it’s in those moments that our hearts must instinctively turn to the only One who can deliver us from the lion’s mouth. The question is, have we spent enough time in the presence of Jesus Christ so that in the moment of panic we will recognize Him as our Savior and follow Him.

The marks of Jesus’ love are clear and were painfully and permanently set into His hands, feet, and side at Calvary. They set Him apart—the combination of His scars and His risen glory crying out, “I am the One…your Savior!  Follow Me!”

His marks are clear. His call is too. Is He beckoning you today?  

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and Stencilphotos.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Lisa DeVinney

Lisa DeVinney is a wife, homemaker, and mother of five boys, a girl, and a Great Pyrenees. She’s also a pastor’s kid. When not at a sporting events, Lisa enjoys photography and writing inspirational poetry and devotions. Lisa has authored several books, including daily devotionals and Sunday school lessons. She has written for “Power for Living” and WorldSundaySchool.com, and shares her poetry daily at LiftingMyEyes.com.  


  1. Vivid,powerful analogy for believers to remember!
