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He Heals the Brokenhearted

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.  Psalm 147:3 NLT

Photo courtesy of morguefile and hotblack.The greatest fear a parent has for their child is them being rejected.

We fear rejection for the ones we love the most, but what happens when we are the ones who are thrown to the side and discarded. The greatest emotional pain we can experience is rejection. The emotional trauma from losing approval and being betrayed is a pain we all fear in our lives. But how does God view rejection and hurt in our lives?

As a pastor, I have experienced betrayal and hurt in my ministry. Sometimes the greatest hurt can come from the people closest to our hearts. We let people in to fill the loneliness in our lives, allowing them to see us at our most valuable state. Our guards are lowered, and we allow others to see us without the charade of perfection we put on for most people. We get connected and we allow them into our thoughts and ideas. Then without warning, the hurt of judgement and rejection comes into our heart and leaves a deep and gaping hole. This is an emotional trauma we all experience at one point in our individual development.

The Lord is one of restoration and of peace. To be discarded is to experience a similar suffering as Jesus suffered in His life. He was crucified by His own people and even doubted by His own family. Rejection from family or friends is a pain the Lord felt before you. The restoration of your heart is in Him, and your rehabilitation is in His perfect love.

I have been tremendously hurt in my life and my restoration came from God’s love. He restored my ability to love and trust people. He will heal your broken heart and bandage your wounds. The only requirement is giving Him your hurt in exchange for His love. People will hurt us because they have unhealed wounds of rejection themselves. Stopping the cycle requires giving your hurt to God and seeing beyond the person’s actions. 

You are very special to the Lord, and He wants you emotionally and spiritually secure. Hurt finds us all, but the hurt doesn’t have to leave permanent imprints on our souls. Allow the Lord to restore your heart today by giving Him your hurt in exchange for His love. 

Look beyond the rejection and see your value safely secured in God’s passion for you. 

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and hotblack.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Josh Clevenger

Josh Clevenger is the pastor of Cory Zion Church in Cory, Indiana. He is a husband, father, pastor, author, and evangelist. Josh has numerous books in publication, along with an active outreach ministry. He wants people to feel connected to God’s grace and experience the comfort of His mercies. Follow Josh Clevenger Ministries to get daily encouragement from the Lord.   
