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Unseen Artist Revealed

The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty.  Zephaniah 3:17a KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Dad stood behind me, dabbing oil paint on the canvas.

My hand rested atop his, so it felt as if I were painting—but I knew who held the brush. Soon, Dad slid his hand away, and I grasped the brush. His hand was still underneath mine, so I remained confident. Before I knew it, he smiled and put his hand to his chin. Occasionally, I’d ask for help, and he would nod or give an instruction. I had mastered the art of oil painting, but that particular painting was my daddy’s creation as much as it was mine.

“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty.” This verse in Zephaniah tells us where God is when we create: in the midst of us. Paul reinforces Zephaniah’s words in Ephesians 2:10: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

The Lord makes His people creative. God has projects waiting for us to accomplish. Just as my father was available—and even helped me hold the brush, assisting me to release my creative talents—God is in the midst of every creative endeavor He calls us to do.

Dad never left my side. Neither does the Lord leave His people. God is the Unseen Artist who holds the brush, honing the skills of His servants. And just as my father smiled when I painted on canvas, God smiles when we paint on the canvas of life.

When others see my talents, I want them to look beyond me and see the Unseen Artist whom I serve. I like creating, but I want my heavenly Father to get the credit. Any good thing I accomplish comes from God. He called me, and He equips me. The Lord is pleased when people see His handiwork revealed through us.

God has many works for you to accomplish. Be confident; He who called you will also equip you. He will stay with you as you create. And when you do, give Him the glory.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Diane Virginia

Diane Virginia is the author of The Kiss of Peace: An Intimate Exploration into Song of Solomon (awaiting publication). She is a regular contributor for Christian Broadcasting Network and has written for Christian Devotions Ministries, Faith Beyond Fear, Pentecostal Publishing House, The Secret Place, and other ministries. She can be contacted at www.vinewords.net.


  1. What a wonderful illustration of how our loving heavenly Father directly guides and empowers in our lives!
