It had been a frustrating morning.
According to my husband, I could do nothing right. Much of the stress related to his medical problems. Gene has Alzheimers, a disease doctors have diagnosed as irreversible.
One of the side effects of the illness is an inability to reason and think things through. I tried to explain why something he wanted wasn’t going to happen. He angrily accused me of not caring and of thinking only of myself. I heard those words many times whenever things did not go according to his wishes.
I needed to pick up our mail at the post office. I always keep a CD playing in the car, and as I turned the key in the ignition, a song played with words about promised peace—a peace as deep and wide as a river. I took a deep breath and allowed the words of the song to wash away the turmoil that threatened to chase away the peace only God can give.
Perhaps you are also a caregiver, and, at times, your load seems heavier than you can carry. You may suffer with a debilitating illness. Perhaps your finances are at an all-time low, and the mortgage statement will soon arrive. Maybe your spouse is cheating on you and has told you they want a divorce. Possibly, your child has become an addict and hope is dim that they will admit their need for help.
Whatever the problem or heartache, God waits to give us His peace—a peace flowing like a tranquil river.
If you have never experienced God’s enduring peace, open your heart to salvation in Jesus Christ today.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
What an encouragement this a.m. to be reminded of His wonderful peace in spite of the situation!