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The Carpenter's Trade

Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son?  Mark 6:3 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay. While in my twenties, I spent a week re-shingling a roof in Tennessee. The Mountain T.O.P. ministry staff formed us into five teams, with each team containing people at different skill levels. My level?  Clueless, but willing.

My team leader’s first lesson was how to hammer a nail effectively. My second lesson was how to get on a roof with ease. All week long, I learned new skills: ripping up old shingles and tar paper, carrying things up a ladder, getting safely off the roof, and nailing down new shingles. A professional roofer traveled between the five houses, laying down chalk lines, inspecting the work, and making sure the repairs were done right.

On the third day, my team leader handed me a hammer and a chisel. Pointing at the chimney, he told me to chisel off the ancient, hardened tar around it. My mind immediately foresaw disaster. What if my chisel slipped? I could damage the chimney or put a hole in the roof. I looked to my team leader and said, “You can fix anything I break, right?” Calmly and confident, he replied, “Yes, I can.” So I hammered on that chimney until all the tar was gone.

After a week, my amateur roofing career ended. But Jesus labored as a carpenter for years. In biblical times, carpenters built everything, from chests and doors and tables, to wooden beams for houses and yokes for farmers. Jesus also would have repaired broken doors and chair legs. Today, restoring people is His specialty.

On that rooftop in Tennessee, God placed a new truth in my heart: The Lord can fix anything I break. Sometimes I can be distracted, thoughtless, impatient, and self-centered—wounding people I love and damaging key relationships. Fortunately, I know who can fix my damage. Through prayer, my Redeemer starts working in my heart and theirs, building a bridge between us. Someone—usually me—sends a God-prompted e-mail or makes a phone call. Then Jesus fixes what I broke.

Pray and place your messes in God’s hands. Let the Master Carpenter work.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Maureen Puccini

Maureen Hall Puccini writes devotions and posts weekly on her new blog, “The Faithful Wanderer” (http://www.thefaithfulwanderer.org). She enjoys illustrating spiritual truths by sharing about Victorian lamplighters, penguins, and personal snow skiing mishaps. She and her husband, Ralph, live in Raleigh, NC. Contact Maureen at mhpuccini@gmail.com.
