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Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  Psalm 73:26 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay. He slid the note across a neighboring student’s desk, motioning to pass it to the intended recipient. That would be me. Would I survive my first breakup and the quirkiness of seventh grade?

Additional heartbreaks were scattered across my life—a few instigated by me. Although painful, there were breakups in my best interest. I’ve composed notes specifying the reasons I wanted out.

Dear Insecurity, We’ve spent a lot of time together. I’ve grown comfortable with you these many years. You’re not a trustworthy companion—always denying the truth. It’s been just the two of us in this love affair, but I’m tired of the on-again, off-again charade. It’s off. We’re done. Sincerely, Secure in Christ.

Dear Perfectionism, I opened my heart to you. Masquerading as a heart-throb, you’re a heart-rob—stealing my joy. This isn’t working out. We’re breaking up and never making up again. I don’t love you anymore. From, My Heart Belongs to Christ.

Dear Pride, I know you’ve been seeing other people on the side and never wiped one tear I cried. You dazzle with false hope of greatness. You thought I was never leaving, but I’m giving up on us. Get it? Got it? Good! Signed, Christ Above All.

Dear Acceptance, Once a restless heart, I needed you. I’ve grown weary of desiring approval. There’s a new guy in my life. He’ll always be the lover of my soul. No longer hopelessly devoted, I’m over you and moving on. The end. Don’t call or write, Chosen by Christ.

Dear Me, You’ve changed since we first met. Like two strangers, you’re someone I knew in the past. It’s time to walk away. I’m not living the same way. No longer at your service, Christ Lives in Me.

Exits out of these relationships won’t happen overnight. I may find myself on a blind date with any one of them, offering enough pampering to warrant weak moments.

Another note has been passed on through the ages by neighboring students of the Word. A letter declaring unconditional love from a trustworthy companion. A relationship with Jesus worth our highest devotion. The intended recipient? That would be me. And you.

What breakups are in your best interest for total allegiance to Christ? 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Karen Friday

Karen Friday is a pastor’s wife and lover of words through writing, blogging, and speaking. She has published a number of articles and devotions in both print and online media. Her writing connects family experiences, Christian ministry, and real life scenarios to the timeless truths of scripture. Karen earned a Communications Degree and has marketing experience in a broad spectrum of business services where she is frequently referred to as “Girl Friday.” Karen and her husband have two grown children. The entire family is fond of the expression, “TGIF: Thank God it’s Friday!” They owe Monday an apology. She can be followed at: karengirlfriday.com


  1. Refreshing and original...I absolutely love your writing! <3

  2. Love this, Karen. Thank you.
