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Confronting the Jericho Walls

Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.  Joshua 6:1 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay. Jericho walls can show up in various shapes and sizes.

When the Promised Land’s kings heard about God's miracles, their hearts “melted in fear” as the Israelites advanced toward their land. The residents of Jericho decided to lock themselves in and the Israelites out.

I've encountered a few Jerichos, and you probably have too. Perhaps your workplace is a Jericho walled with personal agendas, power plays, and turf wars. Maybe you've seen the walls at church. Faced with a godly challenge, frightened Christians may forget they don't own the church. Up go the walls, and the gates slam shut. Perhaps it's closer to home in a relationship. Someone's heart—melting in fear, shuts you out. Or your fearful heart could be shutting out that someone. Either way, walls enclose hearts and bar gates.

According to Jesus, the truth sets believers free. One truth is that wall-building, gate-slamming fear is a lie. It whispers the Lord isn't trustworthy, and that He can't heal our broken hearts or redeem our personal agendas. Centuries ago, God miraculously delivered those former slaves and led them to freedom. It took the Israelites two generations to release their distrust and fear. We can do it today. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Ask God for marching orders around your Jericho wall. Whatever you wall is, it's a squatter on the Promised Land, and it will crumble when the real owner shows up.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Jetta Allen

Jetta Allen is a former graphic designer and sometimes illustrator who enjoys writing. She's active in her on-line critique group of writing friends from all over the map. She and her husband, Jim, live in North Carolina.