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He's Got Your Back

This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's.  2 Chronicles 20:15

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)“He begged me to fire you.” Those were hard words to process as I listened to my boss share the details of a disgruntled employee’s quest to get rid of me.

Betrayal hurts, especially when it comes at the hand of someone you thought was a trusted friend—someone you love and who, on the surface, loves you in return. 

After it was over, I looked back over the past couple of years and saw a pattern. My trust had been placed in the wrong person. Fortunately, I could also see how God had helped me stand strong in the face of adversity when I wanted to tuck-my-tail-and-run like a wounded puppy. 

That scenario brought back other memories of how God has brought me through similar situations unscathed, much wiser, and with my integrity intact. There were many times my flesh wanted to retaliate and my mouth wanted to scream, “Unfair!” Thankfully, I listened to the still, small voice inside and took my problem to Him. 

God says the battle is His. Whenever I’m temped to pick up a stone and throw it, He tells me to use only the sword of the Spirit—His Word. When I trust Him in the crisis, He sends His angels before me and covers me with the precious, shed blood of Jesus. His glory closes the gap and becomes my rear-guard. In other words, He’s got my back. 

The Bible gives numerous accounts of battles won by anything other than natural means. Moses had to keep his hands raised to heaven in order to win the battle. Gideon had to send all of his soldiers home except for a handful. Joshua led his army on a hike and then instructed them to shout until the walls of Jericho fell. 

The truth is God’s hands are not tied by our limited thinking, and He is never caught off guard by our problems. He is faithful, all-powerful, and has boundless resources and creativity. The best part is that He has promised to never leave or turn away from His children. 

In other words … He’s got your back. 

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)

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Andrea Merrell

Andrea Merrell is an award-winning author and professional freelance editor. She is an associate editor with Christian Devotions Ministries and was a finalist for the 2016 Editor of the Year Award at BRMCWC and the 2018 Excellence in Editing award by the Christian Editors Network. Andrea is a graduate of Christian Communicators and was a finalist in the 2015 USA Best Book Awards and the 2018 Selah Awards, as well as a semi-finalist in the 2018 ACFW Genesis contest. She has been published in numerous anthologies and online venues, teaches workshops on writing and editing, and is the co-founder and regular contributor to www.TheWriteEditing.com, a blog designed specifically for writers. Andrea is the author of Murder of a Manuscript, Praying for the Prodigal, and Marriage: Make It or Break It. Contact her at www.AndreaMerrell.com.



  1. So glad the new Christian Devotions site is back up and running well! I am so thankful for the way God works through Christian Devotions and Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Cindy and Eddie, and everyone involved in the work and ministry, I thank you thank you, thank you!