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Try Looking Up

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from which cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD.  Psalm 121:1-2 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay. I have a voyeur squirrel that loves to plaster himself against my skylight.

Almost every morning, I hear little paws scurrying up the shingles of my roof as soon as I turn my bathroom light on. Then I look up to see a squirrel peering down into my private life. I don’t understand the attraction. This crazy squirrel should be off somewhere gathering nuts and minding his own business instead of wasting his time watching me go about mine.

I also don’t understand why we often focus on the problems of others instead of working to repair our own. Yet we seem eager—even thirsty—to view the sensational lives of the latest celebrity or reality show hero.

Busying ourselves with productive things is better than spending too much time scrolling through media posts, watching reality shows, crushing candy, or engaging in other mindless activities. Gazing upward toward spiritual things is also better than focusing our attention downward on life’s iniquities.

Songwriter Helen Lemmel, in her song “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus,” encourages us to turn to Jesus when we are weary and troubled. Doing this is better than adding to our misery by focusing on and finding pleasure from the troubles of others.

Happiness doesn’t have to be elusive. By turning our eyes toward God and our hearts toward others, we’ll discover lives that are fuller, richer, and happier. Help, strength, and peace come from God.

I still don’t know what my crazy squirrel is thinking when he’s looking down into my skylight. Is he staking his claim or just avoiding the realities of his own life by peering into mine? Either way, I think he and the rest of us should try looking up instead.

Turn your eyes up to the Lord and find the help you need.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Joyce McCullough

After teaching high school English for over thirty years, Joyce McCullough now spends her time writing children’s books. She also enjoys tutoring, teaching piano lessons, teaching Sunday school, and doing volunteer work. She has written for numerous faith-based publications including Alive, The Cumberland Presbyterian, The Missionary Messenger, and Focus on the Family’s Early Stages. She has received numerous awards and recognition both as a writer and as an educator. For more information, visit her website, The Literary Lyonesse, at joycemccullough.com.


  1. Exactly what I needed this morning, Joyce!