Sometimes I feel like I’m running from a mad bull. There are times I just want some place safe to run to in this crazy life.
When I was a young man, my daddy helped my older brother raise steers to show for 4-H. My brother bought them as young calves and trained them so he could show them in the ring. As a typical younger brother, I wanted to follow him around and do whatever he did. When I entered the stable to watch, I came eye-to-eye with what, to me, was a man-crushing beast. When I stepped in, he always charged.
I was chased around the stable many times. But I learned something. When I ran behind daddy, the animals always stopped and lowered their heads. Daddy was in charge and was not afraid. He was my refuge. I learned never to go into the stable or ring unless he was nearby. And then I didn’t need to be afraid.
When we face something that seems too big for us, we should run to the Lord. He is in charge and nothing is stronger than Him. Nothing is too complicated. Nothing takes Him by surprise.
As I grew up, there came a time when the steers stopped charging. I learned to face them without fear. But in our lives, there always seems to be something to cause us to fear and doubt ourselves and our service to God. God does not want us, His children, to live our lives in fear. He tells us to come to Him expectantly in prayer. He instructs us in how to live through His Word, and He gives us His Holy Spirit to guide us. We never need to feel alone or afraid. He will be with us.
Even when you find mad bulls in your ring, trust.
(Photo courtesy of
Tim Suddeth is a stay-at-home father with one son. Tim is starting on his writing adventure.