Reunions are exciting.
Because they are so emotional, one of my favorite things to watch is a show or video where friends or family members reunite after long periods of time. I found one where two men who had been friends almost all their lives discovered they were blood brothers.
For those who know Jesus as their Savior, a big reunion in heaven awaits. We can read a little about this place in Revelation 21 and 22. One wonderful thing is that people here will meet for the first time and find they are related. Joy and reunions such as our minds can't comprehend will occur.
To go to heaven and avoid hell means asking Jesus into our heart. We should then serve Him by reading His Word daily, praying, going to church as often as possible, and giving at least ten percent of our income to the Lord. Our good works, which are a result of salvation and are done because we love Jesus, leads to crowns and other rewards when we get to heaven.
Live for God as faithfully as possible so you can go to heaven and receive crowns to lay at His feet—and to receive whatever other rewards He may have in store for you.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Isn't it wonderful that the incomparable grace of Jesus afforded by His matchless sacrifice on the cross makes those much-anticipated heavenly reunions possible? What an encouraging post!