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The Old Well

For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, who says to you, "Do not fear, I will help you."  Isaiah 41:13 NASV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“Can you hear it?”
My husband was restoring an old well on the few acres God had given him. Most people would have given up, as each step faced another hurdle. The cost of purchasing what was needed was not an option.

So with prayer, ingenuity, and substitutionary parts, the day came when he put the last piece of equipment into the well: a sensor to tell when the water level was low. With the help of a friend, they wired the sensor and lowered it into the bore hole. Nothing happened. They prayed some more and talked about what the problem might be.

They finally discovered the tiny apparatus was upside down. When they set the sensor the right way and put it down the bore hole again, my husband rang me and asked, “Can you hear it?” I heard the water flowing out of the well as it gurgled across the airways to me.

God told His people of old not to fear. He was with them. He still is. Sometimes, a simple adjustment to our lives will make the difference between success and failure. Listening to the Holy Spirit through prayer and counsel from those with knowledge concerning the issue is wise.

If you have something you don’t understand in your life, persevere in prayer. God is always available to help.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Rusty Lang

Rusty A Lang is an author pseudonym for Marlene A Morphew. Schooled in brokenness, Marlene has served the Christian church internationally for over forty years. Her passion is for people to be released into the Kingdom of God, living a natural supernatural life for Jesus Christ. Living in Australia, she can be followed on Facebook and through a regular blog on her website, www.rustyalang.com. Her books Good Things Take Time: Metamorphosis of a Damaged Soul and Timeless Treasures: Digging for Gold Daily may be ordered directly from her website in Australia or from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 


  1. Such a good word of encouragement to read this morning!