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Blessings in Disguise

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

The adorable green dinosaur peered up at me and said, “Roar!”

In a small voice, my grandson puffed out his chest in pride at the menacing sound he thought he had produced. Then he laughed and asked, “Mimi, did I scare you?”

Liam was absolutely taken with the Halloween dinosaur costume he tried on. Obsessed with dinosaurs, nothing would make my grandson happier than owning a costume to make him look like one. He pranced in front of the mirror in the dressing room of the party store and continued to practice his roar.

Then the unthinkable happened. His mother told him to take off the costume. “No!” he wailed. His protests fell on deaf ears, so Liam fell on the floor and cried, kicked, and screamed.

What my grandson perceived as a disaster was really a blessing in disguise. His mother was not trying to take the dinosaur costume from him. She wanted to take it to the cash register to purchase it. Liam could wear the costume at home and be a dinosaur whenever he liked, but he was too young to grasp what was happening. He merely knew Mom was taking something from him he really wanted.

We may laugh at a young child’s inability to comprehend this situation, but we often react as Liam did? “I love this, God. Don’t make me give it up!” we moan. We don’t consider that an upsetting event might be a necessary part of God’s wonderful plan for us. We get so wrapped up in having to take off our dinosaur costume that we fail to trust the person who asked us to do so.

Parents want good things for their children. Father God has declared that His plan for us is not to bring us harm. Sometimes a blessing ahead may be disguised as a negative current event propelling us to the blessing.

Ask God to help you trust His love and His plan for you.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Alice Murray

Alice H. Murray is a Florida adoption attorney by profession and a writer by passion. Alice writes a weekly blog, has had three pieces published in the compilation work Short And Sweet Series, and is a staff writer for www.adoption.com


  1. What a powerful illustration of how we believers too frequently react to God's hand working in our lives! I pray to remember Little Liam's reaction when I mirror his actions.