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Night Chorus

Let all creation rejoice before the Lord.  Psalm 96:13 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.The pungent smell of wet earth greeted me when I opened the door.

As I stepped from my car onto the wet pavement, I glanced down, being careful not to squash the long, bulging, brown creatures inching their way toward the edge. The saturated ground had flooded their holes with muddy water and coaxed them out in droves.

Down the street, the neighbor’s dog barked at the sound of the car door closing. In the distance, the faint sound of a coyote's howl drifted through the damp night air. An owl's melancholy "hoot hoot" occasionally punctuated the evening serenade.

Winter's snow had melted early, filling ponds to overflowing. The milder temperatures warmed the water, enticing millions of frogs to gather and chirp their spring song repertoire throughout the night and into the early morning hours before finally closing their eyes in slumber. Their cacophony of voices brought back childhood memories of summer evenings lying in bed with the windows open, listening to the sounds of twilight.

God's creation sings constantly. If you still yourself long enough, you can hear its song—especially at night after the hurried world of people clocks out and goes home. Why not join me in seeking out these tranquil sounds?

Spend some time appreciating nature's chorus.

Dear God, You delight our senses with the melody of creation. May we take pleasure in those sounds and rest long enough to hear them. Amen.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sheryl M. Baker

Sheryl M. Baker enjoys bringing hope and encouragement through God's Word. Her devotions have appeared in Light from the Word, The Secret Place, Power for Today, and christiandevotions.us. She is a contributing author to Yvonne Lehman’s books, Spoken Moments, More Christmas Moments, and Loving Moments. Sheryl lives in northwest Indiana with her husband Ben and spoiled cat Rex. Connect with Sheryl at sherylmbaker.wordpress.com or spunbythepotter.com.