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Eye to Eye

But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.  Job 23:10 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I felt like I was contending with God Himself.

“Look ‘em in the eye” was what I was always taught. Doing so shows strength, courage, and honesty. Yet, due to a stroke in my eye, looking up is hard. Brightness hurts, so I keep my head down, feeling less friendly and probably appearing rude to those who don’t know me. Everything I do is harder because of the brightness and blur. I just want to be me again. Sadly, the damage is done. Doctors don’t expect the condition to improve.

During trials like this, I feel a real connection to Job. He knew God would bring him through stronger, but he was full of questions—just like me. There’s nothing wrong with asking. Be honest. God desires truth. Just be prepared for His response.

I’m not a “sporty” girl, but this gives the visual of a boxing match with God. When we go a round with Him, He puts us in our place. Just read Job. What a clear picture of why He’s the One in charge and not us. Four chapters of detailed questions proving God’s greater wisdom. Ouch! Humbling, indeed.

A blow like that might cause some to want to curse God and die, as Job’s wife suggested. But God is not the enemy. He is for us, not against us. Trials test our faith. He already knows how you will come through, but He wants you to know, like Job. Even if I appear to be the underdog in this battle with my body (or God, who allowed it), I can trust His goodness. His supply of strength never ends. Being in God’s corner is best.

When I look eye to eye with God instead of focusing on the situation, His perfect love casts out fear. I can see purpose in the pain, recognize my real opponent, and follow my Instructor. Better yet, I know life isn’t the main event. It’s just a prelude to heaven.  

Step out of the ring and into the Word. Allow God to be your Personal Trainer.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Cheryl Cunningham

Cheryl Cunningham lives in New Jersey with her husband and four children. She is a stay-at-home mom who volunteers at a local crisis pregnancy center. She grew up in a Christian home as a preacher’s kid. Her love of writing was discovered following her first miscarriage when, through the loss of her unborn baby, a poem was born. She is the author of Holy Crap!, which can be found at http://www.blurb.com/b/4063210-holy-crap. She writes for the sheer joy of it and hopes to encourage others through sharing what God has done in her life.
