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Waiting on the Moth

Be still, and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“Abby, come quickly to the garage.”

I knew Abby would be excited to see the chunky caterpillar crawling on the floor. As predicted, she was thrilled by my discovery and wanted to keep him. Minutes later, our little friend had a new home in a plastic container, filled with grass and leaves.   

Abby awoke early the next day to check on the critter. To her surprise, the caterpillar had incased himself in a cocoon in the top corner of the plastic box. We were excited, knowing it would only be a matter of time until a beautiful moth would emerge. Watching God at work in the life cycle of insects—transforming them into new beings, is fascinating. 

My daughter and I check the plastic container several times a day to investigate for signs of change in the cocoon. Sadly, the encasement is dormant. Being patient is difficult because we’re ready to see the beautiful designs on the wings of this new creature.

Sometimes in life, I have to learn to be still and wait on God, realizing He knows what is best for me. I pray for specific areas of my life and then sense God telling me to wait for His perfect timing. I have faith God has good things in store for me. He will help me grow and mature, just like the moth is growing and maturing in its cocoon.  

Maybe you have a “moth” you are waiting on. Don’t lose hope. Waiting isn’t easy, but you can find hope by reflecting on what the moth begins as and the wonderful transformation that awaits.

God wants to help us become beautiful beings in His sight. Trust Him to complete the metamorphosis.  

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Alisha Ritchie

Alisha Ritchie is a wife, mother of two wonderful children, physical therapy assistant by profession, and dedicated church member and Sunday school teacher. She resides in the small town of Stanfield, North Carolina, where she enjoys writing, spending time with her children, and ministering to others through her work and small group Bible studies. 


  1. I love this one, Alisha! Simple but profound.
