A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Discipleship Looks Different for Everyone

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  Matthew 28:19-20

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Spiritual mentoring looks different for everyone.

My younger brother surrendered his life to the Lord a year ago. God ignited a spiritual awakening in him after he suffered a personal catastrophic event. Since then, he has been growing in Christ.

Periodically, he calls me from Indiana with questions from the Bible. These conversations are exciting, especially since I’ve been the sole believer in my immediate family for thirty years. At the same time, his questions challenge me. Some I can answer, but others I can’t because I still don’t understand some things in the Bible myself.

After one of our iron-sharpening-iron conversations, it dawned on me that I was discipling my brother over the phone. I was discipled by a pastor’s wife. For me, discipleship entailed weekly meetings where a structured Bible study taught me the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

Jesus charged His followers to make disciples of all nations. Jesus’ original followers were to find anyone who would listen and then share His love, forgiveness, grace, and truth. They were also to teach the new converts how to obey His commands.

Jesus left the logistics of “discipling” open to interpretation. While discipling in ancient Israel involved meeting with a Rabbi for structured teaching times, discipling today can involve formal and informal teaching. A structured time of Bible study or a casual conversation over a cup of coffee—or over the phone.

We are discipling when we teach others about Jesus Christ, help them learn His ways, point them in the direction of true righteousness and holiness, and encourage them to walk worthy of the gospel.

Experience the joy of discipling others—however you choose to do it.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Denise Kohlmeyer

Denise Kohlmeyer is a former journalist and freelance writer, having been published in Christianity Today and Today’s Christian Living magazines. She has also co-authored two books in the Clues for the Clueless series. She lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband, Dave, and their three children: Jocelyn, Jessica, and Daniel. You can follow her on Facebook. She is a regular contributor to Blogos.org.
