Stepping into the house for lunch, I went to the fridge and grasped the bowl I wanted to heat.
Opening the door to the microwave, I observed a plate with squiggly black-looking loops. Knowing my five sons, I thought, They have microwaved worms. Yuck!
Seconds later, my oldest son stepped into the room. “Oh, I forgot that.”
I stared at him. “What is it?”
“Oh, that’s my macaroni and cheese. Maybe a little overdone, huh?”
As I gazed at the blackened macaroni, I sighed. “How long did you set it for?”
“Twenty minutes.”
“Twenty minutes?”
“Yeah, I always put extra time, then come back and check on it. I forgot to come back and check.”
I have found that things are not always what I think they are. Samuel discovered this when God sent him to anoint a new king for Israel. He looked at the outward appearance of Jessie’s sons, but God looked at David’s heart.
All of us have looked at someone and wondered why they act or talk as they do. Or why they dress as they do. Sometimes people I meet seem super annoying while others appear overly quiet. Maybe they’ve had hard times or don’t have enough money to dress better. Perhaps they are afraid to speak, as I used to be. Occasionally, I’ve had to step back from people because of the evil surrounding them.
I’ve learned to ask God to help me look below the surface and find the real person inside. Not always easy. God’s Word tells me to look deeply and watch people’s actions. In this way, I can truly and carefully observe them. God allows me to see the spirit and actions of those I meet.
Listening, watching, and talking to people allows me to express God’s love for them. If I listen and observe closely, I find God opens my eyes to truly see others.
Ask God to help you see people as He sees them.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
I am a Kindergarten teacher and Aunt to 3 wonderful boys, so, when I read this devotion, I could picture this vividly! I chuckled out loud! Thank you for reminding me to pray for the Lord's view over mine.