Some could no longer remember.
As we sang “How great Thou art!” at the nursing home, I saw that some of my friends could no longer remember where they were or how they had come to live there. A few had forgotten their children's names, and one or two, even their own names. But as we sang that familiar hymn, most had no trouble remembering the words as we lifted our voices in praise.
As the last notes faded away, I realized that what really matters is not how smart we are, how much money we have in the bank, or where we live—but how much we matter to God.
God has given us His promise to carry us not only during our years of beauty and youth but also through our white hair and failing memory.
God’s love is an eternal and unchanging commitment from Him. Even when everyone else forgets, He will still care for us. He has promised to carry us for a lifetime, and His lifetime is forever.
No matter your age or circumstances, remember God will carry you.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
How true this devotional is! Numerous times I have observed precious elderly saints who could no longer interact verbally but could sing word-prefect the powerfully true hymns of the faith. They had been singing those Biblically-based words since their childhood. God is faithful to His beloved ones.