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Better than Flowers

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father.  James 1:17 NIV

(Photo courtesy of morguefile.)Sometimes, I envy the flower recipients.

My sister’s husband brings her flowers on her birthday and on Valentine’s Day and sometimes for no reason at all. My friend’s fiancé buys her beautiful cards for every occasion. A co-worker boasts that her boyfriend frequently surprises her with little gifts.

I’ve been filled with envy, and sometimes annoyance, that my husband doesn’t make those nice little gestures. He doesn’t even scribble a note for my birthday—but says I should go out and treat myself to something special. If we’re not too busy, we go out for dinner.

One day, I was late for work and dreading the morning ritual of scraping ice off my car’s windshield. I rushed into the biting snow of a Michigan winter and carefully made my way down the slippery driveway. Approaching my vehicle, I noticed my car windows were scraped clean. I jumped into my Chevy, grateful I didn’t have to spend another moment in the blustery wind. In that moment, I realized how often my husband demonstrats his love by doing little things for me—adding oil to my car, putting away the laundry, or starting dinner when I work late. I couldn’t count how many times he’d helped me with chores I disliked.

Some men make extravagant gestures and others do little practical things to show their love. I’d taken for granted all the helpful things my husband does for me. Clearing the snow from my car is better than a bouquet of flowers.

I sometimes take for granted the thousands of gifts God gives me. He provides the fragrance of lilacs in spring, the crunch of leaves underfoot in the fall, and the beauty of fresh snow on the windshield in winter. God gives me family and friends. And although I don’t deserve it, He gave me the gift of His perfect love before I was born.

Remember to thank God not only for the big things but also for the little things He gives you. 

(Photo courtesy of morguefile.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Diana Walters

Diana Walters enjoyed a long career working with senior adults as a social worker, activity director, and volunteer coordinator.  She has written devotionals for The Quiet Hour and Upper Room and has been published in six Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She writes a weekly column for baby boomers called “A Boomer’s Ruminations,” which can be accessed at chattanoogan.com.


  1. Hi Diana -- I'm wondering if you are the same Diana L. Walters who wrote for Strength & Grace devotion for caregivers. Your entry was this morning about your husband's diabetes. I have been diabetic for 54 years and could relate to your devotion. Thank you for sharing. Cinda Williamson

  2. Beautiful devotion, Diana. Your husband's love language must be acts of service. Sounds like a keeper!