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Fighting with Gravity

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.  Colossians 1:27 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Thank God for gravity. Without it, we’d all be floating in the air like helium-filled balloons.

Lately, I’m having my own personal battle with gravity. It seems to be taking over my body from my eyelids to the skin that is supposed to cover my knees … and everything in between. Maybe that’s why people in certain countries have a daily practice of standing on their head for a certain period of time. Perhaps that little exercise shifts everything back into proper position.

In America, there are creams, wraps, injections, and even surgery to take care of these sagging body parts. Sometimes these procedures help, other times not so much. I had a full body wrap several years ago that promised to tighten my skin and take off the pounds. The pounds stayed firmly in place, and my skin was more wrinkled than ever.

Mother Nature, Father Time—and gravity—always seem to have the upper hand. Even though there are areas I would like to “fix” if I could, I have a feeling there would always be something else I’d want to change.

The problem is my self-consciousness, especially about what I can’t correct. I will never be taller than 5’2,” and my hair will always be naturally curly—with an attitude. I won’t go into the other problem areas I’d like to change; I’ll just say I’ve learned the only way to become less self-conscious is to become more God-conscious.

Christ in me is the hope of glory. Christ in me—the One who gave His life and loves me unconditionally … just as I am. In fact, I was His idea. He created me … just as I am. He has a wonderful plan and purpose for my life that no one else can fulfill. And He is preparing an eternal home … just for me.

When I look at this life from God’s perspective, I realize it’s time to stop fighting “what is” and look forward to the day when gravity loses its hold and I rise to meet the Lord.

Are you ready for the day when the law of gravity will be broken?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Andrea Merrell

Andrea Merrell is an award-winning author and professional freelance editor. She is an associate editor with Christian Devotions Ministries and was a finalist for the 2016 Editor of the Year Award at BRMCWC and the 2018 Excellence in Editing award by the Christian Editors Network. Andrea is a graduate of Christian Communicators and was a finalist in the 2015 USA Best Book Awards and the 2018 Selah Awards, as well as a semi-finalist in the 2018 ACFW Genesis contest. She has been published in numerous anthologies and online venues, teaches workshops on writing and editing, and is the co-founder and regular contributor to www.TheWriteEditing.com, a blog designed specifically for writers. Andrea is the author of Murder of a Manuscript, Praying for the Prodigal, and Marriage: Make It or Break It. Contact her at www.AndreaMerrell.com.

