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Finding Healing and Completeness

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.  Psalm 34:18 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Some people are like broken dolls who need returning to the toy factory—so brokenhearted from their mess-ups that their spirits are crushed.

For most of my life, I battled eating disorders and major depression, which made me feel like a broken doll. So broken that the toy factory probably would have tossed me aside, believing I wasn’t worth their time. Thankfully, I found healing and completeness in Christ’s mercy.

The Amplified Bible version of Psalm 34:18 uses the phrase “contrite in heart, truly sorry for their sin” to define “crushed in spirit.” When we’re truly sorry for how we’ve grieved our heavenly Father, we can experience peace—knowing He’ll do whatever it takes to make us right with Him. God understands our crushing discouragement and shame. No matter what else we’re dealing with, life is more crushing when shame and turmoil join the mix.

We can ask God to show us how He sees our sin … how He can hate our sin but still love us. We can ask Him to help us despise our sin as much as He despises it and accept His love and mercy as freely as He gives it. Rather than dwelling on the mess we’ve made, we will feel less broken if we ask God to help us make things right with those we’ve hurt with our sinful choices. And more healing will come if we pray for those who are also brokenhearted because of our choices.

Life can be hard, especially if we try to live without supportive people and without God. I can relate to the shame that comes from living in ways that dishonor God. I know how the Enemy uses shame to keep us from those we need to be around—especially those at church. Each of us has our own set of circumstances and face painful or embarrassing consequences for the choices we have made.

Regardless of how broken your situation is, go to God. Express sorrow for your sins and receive healing through His gentle and powerful nearness.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sheryl Boldt

Sheryl Boldt serves as a Faith/Church guest columnist for several Florida newspapers including The Tallahassee Democrat and The Wakulla News. She also emcees Wave 94’s, “Sheryl Shares,” radio program. Visit Sheryl’s blog at www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net.             


  1. Great post girl!

  2. I love this story of healing and restoration, Sheryl. Nothing is too hard for God!