I couldn’t sleep. I crept out of the messy bedding and grabbed my robe.
Leaving the room, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, but not enough. As I inched my way through the house toward my office, the darkness had no mercy. Bang! I ran into the side of one of the walls in our family room. Walking through the darkness wasn’t wise, but I didn’t want to turn on the lights and disturb my husband.
As I sat in my office, I thought about the many times I walk in the darkness of my own thought life and of this world’s thinking without asking God’s direction. I think or act as if everything will be fine. And for a while, my way seems to work—until it doesn’t, or until I get into trouble. All because I don’t want to disturb others or ask for help.
God spoke clearly that morning. I turned to John’s gospel and found Jesus’ words. God’s Spirit enlightened me. In the dark moments when I am stumbling about and getting hurt, I don’t need to worry about disturbing someone or try to work things out my way. God designed me to ask Him for help in those confusing, frustrating, and painful times. The darkness is meant to take me to the Light.
Sitting there, I marveled and praised God. In my discomfort of the night, He brought me out of the darkness into joy and revelation. In the darkness, I can see nothing good, but when I give up and stop fighting, God gets my attention and I receive peace, relief, and intimate closeness with Him.
I went back to bed and slept for the rest of the night. Next time I can’t sleep, I will get up and turn on the light because I know God is waiting to speak with me.
Don’t stumble around in the darkness of your own plans by excluding God. Next time you can’t sleep, turn on the light and walk in it. God will show you the way.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
I love the way you paralleled the light to God and asking him for the help we need. So good.