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Our Expectations of God

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord.  Isaiah 55:8 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.There are moments when I expect God to act, but He doesn’t.

Sometimes I’ve wanted God to take revenge on a bully I faced. At other times, I’ve wanted Him to give me power like Moses so those around me can respect me. None of that came to pass. I experienced the opposite.

Once, I needed God to meet a financial project. I called people I knew. Most of them promised to help, and I was thrilled God was at work. The disappointment arrived when none of them followed through. I was devastated because God did not work through my expectations. Just when I was about to give up, God met my need through an anonymous means. That’s when I realized God’s ways aren’t my ways.

We want God to take care of our mess while we are on the verge of making another one. We want God to make life easy for us so we won't have to worry about anything, but we are still in a fallen world. Some of us want God to answer those who hurt us with immeasurable pain, but God is love.

I must understand God limits our activities on earth. While we think about growing old and having millions of dollars, God thinks about helping us win millions of souls. Our thoughts will always go contrary to God's thoughts. He thinks about eternal things, but we think about earthly things.

Aligning our expectation with God's is important. To know what God expects from us, we need to spend time in prayer, read the Word, and gather with other believers. God will not work according to our time and season. We must align our time and thoughts with His.

Submit your expectations to God, and allow Him to be your focus.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Adedeji Adewunmi

Adedeji Adewunmi is a Christian freelance writer living in Nigeria. He works with various ministries to win souls for Christ. He loves meeting people and enjoys working as a team. He also enjoys telling people about his faith because it is the most important thing in his life.
