DEVOTION BY Anita van der Elst POSTED 1/6/2025 6:00:01 AM
But I will offer sacrifices to you with songs of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows. For my salvation comes from the LORD alone.
Jonah 2:9 NLT
I tasted salt in every phrase as I sang.
Moving day wasn’t a joyous occasion for me. We were leaving a place where I’d found friendships, a good church, and enjoyed being geographically close to my family. But moving was necessary for my husband’s change of employment, and despite the heartache, I was determined to sing a song of praise as I drove our pick-up truck down the road.
Tears dripped down my cheeks and into my mouth. My voice broke, and the tune wavered. The hymns may not have sounded melodic at that moment, but to God, they were better than listening to the best Broadway soundtrack.
Sometimes, singing praises to God is a sacrifice when we’re going through difficulties. When I don’t feel like doing it, but do it anyway, I lay my emotions, desires, and wants on the altar before Him. As my lips form the words and breath passes my vocal cords, God reminds me of the most important thing: He has saved me. When I acknowledge His salvation, the assurance comes that He delights in my praise, and I am comforted.
That day of departure became the beginning of a new adventure. When you face a hardship, bring a sacrifice of praise to God.
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Several years ago, Christian Devotions came under cyber attack. Thanks to our readers we were able to rise from the ashes and be stronger than ever. Founded in 2008, Christian Devotions Ministries is a 501C3, non-profit organization striving to bring the light of Christ to others one devotion at a time. Thanks to the generous donations of our readers, this ministry thrives. Because of these gifts, we are able to provide benevolence when needed, spread the Word of God to over 157 countries, and offer new writers an opportunity to have their words published. This ministry is overseen by a board of directors and all who offer their time in service of this work are volunteers. Thank you for your kind support. Donations are tax deductible. This ministry thrives on the prayers of our readers. If you would like to be a prayer warrior for Christian Devotions Ministries, email us at and we will add you to our prayer letter. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. - Psalm 19:14
Anita van der Elst finds joy in creating with words, believing God gifted her with the desire to do so. Married to her best friend, Edward, since 1976, she is a proud mom of four adult children and Oma to two of the most delightful grandchildren ever. Other joys in her life include bringing beauty to Facebook through photos she takes on her iPhone, facilitating a small women’s group at church, and mentoring a few friends who also desire to write.