A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

"A devotion may be someone's only Bible for the day."

Today's Devotion

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.  Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT

pick me pick meThere I stood, simultaneously holding my breath and having no breath. Sweat trickled down my back. My hands shook, and my legs grew weak. I could hear children laughing, someone shouting names, and my heart going thump, thump, thump. One by one, those around me left until there I stood—but not alone. Time seemed to stand still. 

This scenario was the beginning of recess for most of my childhood. Would my peers choose me? Did I hear my name? I desperately wanted to be picked. It didn’t matter by which team. I just wanted to hear someone say, “We want Lisa.” At the same time, I prayed that no one would pick me. What if I lost the game? What if I messed up? The pressure was too much. Most afternoons, I entertained myself until recess ended. It seemed safer that way.

Yet during those same childhood years, I had the opportunity to choose. To call out a name. To pick a team. I called on the name of Jesus and chose to believe Jesus died for me. He lives for me and loves me.

My choice was life-changing, life-giving. Even more amazing, God chose me before I chose Him—before I ever thought about choosing Him. And not because of anything I had done or could do but because of who He is and His love and mercy for me. 

Paul reminds us that God loved us before He made the world. He chose us and adopted us into His family. He wanted to do this, and it gave Him great pleasure.                                              

Loved. Chosen. Adopted. Wanted. This is how God sees us, and it gives Him great pleasure.

Now, here I stand. My breathing is calm, and my body is strengthened. My heart rejoices. God chooses me.

Where are you in the recess of life? Let the truth that you are chosen and deeply loved by God calm your heart.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Alexas_Fotos.)

Lisa Corduan

Lisa Corduan enjoys immersing herself in the Word of God and mentoring young women. She is passionate about sharing how God’s faithfulness has brought her to her most fulfilling roles as wife, mother and Oma (grandma)–despite her own young-adult decisions. She lives in South Carolina with her husband and forever-date Ralph. Together they love to explore everyday moments with family and friends who soon become family. You can connect with her at Facebook.com/Lisa-Corduan.

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